After the successful stint with short story writing competition that Chandigarh Literary Society had last year, we begin this new year with another exciting contest on poetry writing, knowing fully well that there are lots and lots of unknown poets amongst you who have one time or the other, penned a few beautiful couplets.
Let this contest once again ignite that dormant spirit of romance or philosophy in you to pen down a sonnet, a ballad, a doggerel, or a ghazal.
This Poetry Writing Competition is on the theme of "Darkness Before Dawn". ("Bhor se pehle andhera")
Everybody and anybody can participate in this contest. You can write in English, Hindi, Hindustani or Panjabi, and email the poem before the midnight of 15th February 2013.
There would be a panel of three judges who will decide the prize winners. Their judgment of course would be final, and all poems submitted for the contest shall be the property of Chandigarh Literary Society for its use in whatever manner it considers it appropriate.
The prizes will be given at a public function in Chandigarh with lots of sur-prizes for the winners.
Pick up your pen and send your masterpiece to chandigarhliterary@gmail.com.